The Sacrament of Marriage: A Sacred Union of Love
Marriage is a profound and sacred sacrament in the Catholic Church, deeply rooted in Scripture and enriched by centuries of reflection and understanding. In the Book of Genesis, we hear the beautiful declaration: "At last, this one is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh... That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one body" (Genesis 2:23). This passage offers profound insight into the reality of marriage as intended by God—a union that is both deeply personal and profoundly spiritual.
The Church, guided by the Holy Spirit, has long meditated on these words, discovering in them a blueprint for the divine design of marriage. At its core, marriage is willed by God to be a Communion of Persons—a sacred "one flesh" union between husband and wife. This union is not simply a physical or emotional bond, but an intimate spiritual communion, reflecting the very image of God. Made in God’s likeness, human beings are created in love, for love, to share love. In marriage, this love is elevated and caught up in God’s divine love.
The Church teaches that the sacrament of marriage is a living symbol of how God loves: a union of self-giving and mutual outpouring between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In the marital relationship, husband and wife are called to mirror this divine communion by giving themselves fully to one another in a love that is faithful, permanent, and open to life. It is a love that goes beyond personal desire or companionship; it is a vocation to love as God loves—freely, fully, faithfully, and fruitfully.
Marriage, therefore, is not just a contract or a social arrangement; it is a sacrament, a visible sign of God’s invisible grace. Through their vows, a man and a woman commit to each other for life, forming a sacred covenant that is blessed and strengthened by God. They are entrusted with a unique mission: to be a visible sign of Christ's love for His Church, a love that is unwavering and life-giving. This sacrament calls the couple to grow together in holiness, support one another in their journey of faith, and build a family rooted in the love of Christ.
Preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage
For those who feel called to this beautiful vocation, we ask that you contact the parish priest at least six months (preferably a year) before your intended wedding date. This period allows adequate time for preparation, which includes spiritual guidance, understanding the responsibilities and commitments of Christian marriage, and deepening your relationship with God and each other. Marriage preparation is a valuable time to reflect on your relationship, your faith, and your future together, ensuring that your marriage is founded on a solid spiritual foundation.
We are here to support you every step of the way, providing the resources and guidance needed to prepare for this sacred commitment. Marriage is a joyous and profound journey, and we look forward to accompanying you as you prepare to begin this new chapter in your lives, rooted in God’s love and grace.
Important Notice for Couples Registering for Marriage
The Bishop of our Diocese has set an offering of $275.00 for couples planning to marry in the Catholic Church. This contribution helps offset the various expenses the Church incurs in preparation for your marriage. Of this amount, $200.00 is allocated for these expenses, while $75.00 is provided to the celebrant of your marriage.
The full amount is eligible for an income tax receipt, which will be issued to you at the end of the year.
We ask that this offering be made at the time of your registration. Please make your cheque payable to “St. Kevin’s Church.” Should your marriage celebration be cancelled for any reason, the full amount will be refunded to you.
Please be assured that no couple will be denied the Sacrament of Marriage due to financial difficulties. If this fee presents a hardship, we encourage you to contact the parish priest to discuss your situation.